Transgender Law Center works to end the abuses transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people experience in all forms of detention including prisons, jails, immigration detention, and state hospitals. We receive hundreds of letters from incarcerated TGNC people each year, and our Prison Mail Program ensures that each letter receives a thoughtful response with helpful legal resources.
We encourage incarcerated transgender and gender-nonconforming people to reach out to us directly. While our ability to provide legal support is limited, we have access to a wide range of legal information including relevant policies, sample legal documents, and guides, both general and state- or agency-specific.
Your loved one may reach us by writing to Transgender Law Center at P.O. Box 70976, Oakland, CA 94612. They may also call our collect line for people in prison and detention: 510-380-8229.
Please note, our ability to staff this line is limited, and postal mail is the most dependable method of contacting us. We have seen an upward trend in incarcerated people’s access to monitored email systems. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to connect with incarcerated people via those email systems, because they do not allow for private, privileged communications.