Today, TLC filed our public comment opposing the Trump administration’s attempt to eliminate trans protections in federally funded homeless shelters. This latest attack on our communities is nothing more than a transparent attempt to cause harm by assuring more and more trans people are sleeping on the streets, and cruelly denied access to the safety and shelter that all people deserve.
Our comment tells the stories of several Black and Latina trans women, including three Positively Trans steering committee members who survived homelessness to become fierce advocates, and three young trans women whose experiences with homelessness ultimately led to their deaths.
TLC will not rest until this shameful proposal from the Trump administration is defeated, and if they ultimately push through this rule, we will see them in the courts and in the streets.
Read our full comment – which we wrote with pro bono support from the law firm Nixon Peabody – below, and if you haven’t done so yet, you still have until midnight eastern time tonight to tell Trump what you think of this assault on trans lives by submitting your on comment at